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Poland, Warsaw, Ostrobramska 75C
Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00 (in Warsaw)
Poland, Warsaw, Ostrobramska 75C
Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 18:00 (in Warsaw)
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immigration lawyer
complicated cases
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How to get a long-term EU resident card in Poland: a complete guide

If you are planning a long-term stay in Poland and want to secure your status, one of the best options is the EU long-term resident card. This document provides many benefits and allows foreigners to legally reside and work in Poland on a permanent basis. In this guide, we will tell you how to apply for this card, who is eligible to receive it, and what documents are required.

What documents are needed for a residence card in Poland

A residence card (from the Polish pobytu - stay) is a document that confirms a foreigner's residence permit in Poland. It is not only an identity document in the country, but in some cases it allows travel around the EU countries and the Schengen zone without additional visas. Below we will consider what documents must be provided to obtain it.

How Much Does It Cost to Move to the USA? A Detailed Guide for Immigrants 

Moving to the USA is a complex process that requires not only paperwork but also significant financial expenditures. If you plan to immigrate to the USA, it is important to plan your expenses in advance. In this article, we will detail how much it costs to move to America and what budget you should allocate for the first few months of living in a new country to make the adaptation process as smooth as possible.

Потрібна консультація з візових питань? Обговоріть їх з імміграційним адвокатом

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